Interoute was born out of a vision to connect the business hubs of Europe with Europe’s largest, fastest and most advanced fibre optic network. Completed in 2002, today this network forms a massive platform: 70,000 route kilometres of fibre, 17 Data Centre and 17 Virtual Data Centre Cloud Zones across the world – Interoute makes the Cloud work for Europe. Increasingly we make it work for our European customers, across the globe. Our customers, Telecoms giants, OTT providers and international enterprises alike experience this everyday as the power, reach and security of the Interoute networked cloud benefits their businesses. Interoute’s role in Europe is unique, due to the Company’s extraordinary asset, but with the launch of the Enterprise Digital Platform we have now added an application delivery platform for the Enterprise that is firmly rooted in the Ground, with one of the world’s most robust set of physical connections powered by an industry acclaimed Cloud Computing Platform.

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