Head of SELLALAB & Fintech Open District

Stefano born 39 years ago in Ivrea, the city of information technology and Adriano Olivetti’s home. After the MSc degree in Computer Engineering, he was fascinated by another group of forward-thinking entrepreneurs and innovators, the Sella Family. In 2002 he chose to join the team of software developers of the banking group. Starting his professional career as a developer in charge of ICT projects, he stepped through various roles over time, holding positions of direct responsibility, both commercial and technical. From web marketing to CRM portal, he became head of direct channels, including the Internet Banking platform, the mobile banking and the contact center.

Professionally and culturally enriched by experiences abroad, in 2012, looking for new challenges, he created SELLALAB, the Fintech Incubator and innovation Hub of Gruppo Banca Sella, where he currently holds the role of manager. Actually Member of Advisory Commitee in Mission & Market fund, SellaVentures Board Member, Contract Professor at University of Turin, Advisor to the FabLab Biella, he looks with curiosity and open-mindset the new.


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