GM Global Cyber Security Practice, BT Security

James is a general manager in BT Security and leads the development of BT’s cyber defence capability under the Assure Cyber portfolio, his team is charged with defining the technical strategy and service architectures that underpin BT’s internal Cyber Defence Operations and commercial cyber-as-a-service offerings to global clients, he is also responsible for the BT Security CTO function. Prior to his current role James led the global strategic pursuits team within BT Security, specialising in cyber security business development and capability definition for multinational organisations and government clients at varying levels of cyber security maturity. James has worked in BT Security for twelve years with a significant part of this time being dedicated to providing cyber consultancy into UK government, his experience within the commercial sector includes a two year assignment to the BT London 2012 Olympic Delivery Programme, where he was responsible for security service design and capability implementation.

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